Mayıs, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Emine Gergin öztürk/imkb ortaokulu-Bartın-everystory one STEAM SCİENTİX ETKİNLİKLERİ VE PROJE SONU SERTİFİKALARIMIZ
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Emine Gergin öztürk/imkb ortaokulu-Bartın-everystory one STEAM 4.STORY ARI TEMASI ETKİNLİKLERİ
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Emine Gergin öztürk/imkb ortaokulu-Bartın-everystory one STEAM 3.STORY ÇEVRE TEMASI ETKİNLİKLERİ
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Emine Gergin öztürk/imkb ortaokulu-Bartın-everystory one STEAM 2.STORY DEPREM TEMASI ETKİNLİKLERİ
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Emine Gergin öztürk/imkb ortaokulu-Bartın-everystory one STEAM 1.STORY ETKİNLİKLERİ
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Emine BARIŞ-Rize Çay İlkokulu - The article prepared by Emine BARIŞ with the STEM Discovery Campaign Project was published on the blog page.
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We created very good works together with our students. Thanks everyone for their contribution
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Our Project Virtual Exhibition. You must definitely visit.
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Hilal ŞEN Teacher - Students Participation Certificate
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Hilal ŞEN We took part in the Collaborative-Joint Product-New Year Card Study
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Hilal ŞEN We Created Our Project Name By Coding. We coded the letters M and Y in collaboration
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Hilal ŞEN We took part in the 4th Common Product, Story Creation activities.
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Hilal ŞEN 4. PLAN/ Parıltı,Helps The Bees (EVALUATE)
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Hilal ŞEN 4. PLAN/ Parıltı,Helps The Bees (ELABORATE)
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We examined videos and images about hive types and hive construction 4.Plan ELABORATE We examined the materials. We drew our hive designs in cooperation as a group. 4.Plan ELABORATE We concretized our hive design drawings with play dough 4.Plan ELABORATE -The children collaborated on the Hive designs in groups.